摘要:A thermoelectric generator generates electricity by effectively recovering the waste heat from the exhaust of automobiles. The intermediate fluid thermoelectric generator transfer exhaust heat by the gasification and condensation of the medium, which can improve the power output and reduce the optimal module area, thus significantly increasing the power density. To study the influence of exhaust parameters on the performance of new generator, a mathematical model of the thermoelectric generator is used to analyze the effects of exhaust parameters on the system performance. Compared with the conventional thermoelectric generator, the novel thermoelectric generator becomes more advantageous with a lower exhaust heat transfer coefficient. And it is found that the key parameter affecting the performance is the thermal conduction of the exhaust heat exchanger. The exhaust temperature has no effect on the optimal module area, but the maximum output power increases almost linearly with the increase of exhaust temperature. With the increase of exhaust flow, the optimal module area increases linearly under the condition of sufficient heat exchange of exhaust. The results of this study have certain significance for fully understanding the operation principle and guiding the optimal design of IFTEG.