摘要:AbstractIn this paper, a systematic comparison of three different advanced control strategies for automated docking of a vessel is presented. The controllers are automatically tuned offline by applying an optimization process using simulations of the whole system including trajectory planner and state and disturbance observer. Then investigations are conducted subject to performance and robustness using Monte Carlos simulation with varying model parameters and disturbances. The control strategies have also been tested in full scale experiments using the solar research vessel Solgenia. The investigated control strategies all have demonstrated very good performance in both, simulation and real world experiments. Videos are available underhttps://www.htwg-konstanz.de/forschung-und-transfer/institute-und-labore/isd/regelungstechnik/videos/
关键词:KeywordsAutomated Docking of VesselsNonlinear Control DesignMonte Carlo SimulationsDocking Experiments