标题:Analysis of Factors Relevant to Revenue Improvement in Ventral Hernia Repair, Their Influence on Surgical Training, and Development of Predictive Models: An Economic Evaluation
摘要:Background: Ventral hernia repairs (VHR) are frequent but loss- making. This study aims to identify epidemiological and procedure related factors in VHR and their influence on surgical training. Methods: Data from 86 consecutive patients who underwent VHR in 2019 was collected. Moreover, 66 primary ventral hernias and 20 incisional hernias were repaired in open procedures. Linear regression models were made. Results: Primary VHR procedures showed a mean deficit of −378.17 CHF per case. Incisional hernia repair procedures resulted in a deficit of −1442.50 CHF per case. The two hernia groups were heterogeneous. For the primary VHR procedures, the surgery time (β = 0.564,
p < 0.001) had the greatest influence, followed by the costs of the mesh (β = −0.215,
p < 0.001). The epidemiological factors gender (β = 0.143,
p < 0.01) and body mass index (BMI) (β = −0.087,
p = 0.074) were also influential. For incisional hernia procedures a surgeon’s experience had the most significant influence (β = 0.942,
p < 0.001), and the second largest influence was the price of the mesh (β = −0.500,
p < 0.001). The epidemiological factor BMI (β = −0.590,
p < 0.001), gender (β = −0.113,
p = 0.055) and age (β = −0.026,
p < 0.050) also had a significant influence. Conclusion: Our analysis shows a way of improving financial results in the field of ventral hernia repair. Costs can be visualized and reduced to optimize revenue enhancement in surgical departments. In our analysis primary ventral hernias are an appropriate training operation, in which the experience of the surgeon has no significant impact on costs. In primary VHR procedures, revenue enhancement is limited when using an expensive mesh. However, the treatment of incisional hernias is recommended by specialists. The financial burden is significantly higher with less experience. Therefore, these operations are not suitable for surgical training. The re-operation rate decreases with increasing experience of the surgeon. This directly affects the Patient Related Outcome (PROM) and quality of treatment. Therefore, high-quality training must be enforced. Since financial pressure on hospitals is increasing further, it is crucial to investigate cost influencing factors. The majority of Swiss public hospitals will no longer be able to operate ventral hernias profitably without new concepts. In addition to purchasing management, new construction projects, and mergers, improving the results of individual departments is a key factor in maintaining the profitability of hospitals in the future regarding hernia repair without losing the scope of teaching procedures.
关键词:encosts;economy;ventral hernia;incisional hernia;predictive model