摘要:Distribution is a strategic function of logistics in different companies. Establishing distribution centers (DCs) in appropriate locations helps companies to reach long-term goals and have better relations with their customers. Assessment of possible locations for opening new DCs can be considered as an MCDM (Multi-Criteria Decision-Making) problem. In this study, a decision-making approach is proposed to assess DC locations. The proposed approach is based on Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis II (SWARA II), Method based on the Removal Effects of Criteria (MEREC), Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS), simulation, and the assignment model. The assessment process is performed using the subjective and objective criteria weights determined based on multiple experts’ judgments. The decision matrix, subjective weights and objective weights are modeled based on the triangular probability distribution to assess the possible alternatives. Then, using simulation and the assignment model, the final aggregated results are determined. A case of DC locations assessment is addressed to show the applicability of the proposed approach. A comparative analysis is also made to verify the results. The analyses of this study show that the proposed approach is efficient in dealing with the assessment of DC locations, and the final results are congruent with those of existing MCDM methods.