摘要:AbstractThe failure mechanism of a cylindrical shell cut into fragments by circumferential detonation collision was experimentally and numerically investigated. A self-designed detonation wave regulator was used to control the detonation and cut the shell. It was found that the self-designed regulator controlled the fragment shape. The macrostructure and micro-characteristics of fragments revealed that shear fracture was a prior mechanism, the shell fractured not only at the position of detonation collision, but the crack also penetrated the shell at the first contact position of the Chapmen-Jouguet (C-J) wave. The effects of groove number and outer layer thickness on the fracture behavior were tested by simulations. When the thickness of the outer layer was 5–18 mm, it has little effect on fragmentation of the shell, and shells all fractured at similar positions. The increase of the groove number reduced the fracture possibility of the first contact position of the C-J wave. When the groove number reached 7 with a 10 mm outer layer (1/4 model), the fracture only occurred at the position of detonation collision and the fragment width rebounded.
关键词:Detonation wave;Circumferential detonation collision;Fracture mechanism;Fragmentation control