摘要:The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of self-feedback by analyzing a strobe picture on jump distance of running long jump in PE class. Subjects are 48 healthy male college students (age: 17.9 ± 0.4 years). This study was conducted on five consecutive classes (Days 1-5 of the lessons). The maximum jump distances of all subjects were measured, and a strobe picture of the sagittal plane motion from takeoff to landing phase was acquired on Day 4. Subsequently, subjects were taught the biomechanical principles that determine the jump distance and were instructed to derive related biomechanical parameters (physics variables) from their own strobe pictures using digitizing software. On Day 5, the maximum jump distances of subjects while considering their feedback were measured, and strobe pictures of the movement were acquired again to derive their physics variables after the feedback. Results showed that, on average, there were no significant changes in the jump distance or to the physics variables before and after feedback. However, by analyzing the subjects whose jump distance increased or decreased after the feedback, it was observed that this feedback may improve the performance of learners whose jump distances were initially not so far and/or learners who cannot utilize their sprint abilities effectively to initial speed at takeoff.
关键词:Running Long Jump;Self-Analysis;Feedback;Strobe Picture;PE Class