摘要:Correction to:
Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-021-96254-2, published online 18 August 2021
Aeyeon Kang and Wan S. Yun were omitted from the author list in the original version of this Article.
The Author Contributions section now reads:
“The key idea was conceived by J.H., S.H., A.K., and W.S.Y. J.S. designed the study, performed most experiments, analyzed the data, and wrote the manuscript. H.R.K. aerosolized and collected the virus. P.K.B. prepared the influenza virus solution. H.Y., J.K., and Y.C. wrote the paper. Y.S. prepared the influenza virus solution. J.H. aerosolized and collected the virus. S.H. is responsible for the project and contributed to data analyses. The manuscript was written through the contributions of all authors. All authors have given approval to the final version of the manuscript.”
The original Article has been corrected.