其他摘要:For genetic preservation (ex-situ preservation) at the population level for an endemic conifer in Shikoku, Abies veitchii var. shikokiana, the genetic diversity of both adult trees and seed pools collected from mother trees in two mast years (2011 and 2014) was evaluated using six nuclear microsatellite markers. Differences in the genetic diversity of seed pools among mother trees were examined. Increases in the genetic diversity of seed pools associated with an increased number of mother trees were also estimated by conducting a random resampling of mother trees using a seed genotype from 2014. Allelic diversity of seed pools was higher in families of mother trees with a smaller diameter at breast height in both mast years. The relationship between the number of mother trees sampled and the allelic diversity of seed pools, evaluated by drawing the rarefaction curve, differed among allelic diversity statistics. However, based on the effective number of alleles and the expected heterozygosity, seed pools collected from about 30 mother trees covered almost all of the genetic diversity observed in the adult tree population and whole seed pools combined. Findings of the present study provide important guidelines for the development of seed collection strategies for genetic preservation of rare forest tree populations.
其他关键词:Abies veitchii var. shikokiana##rarefaction curve##gene preservation##genetic diversity##seed collection strategy