出版社:University Library System, University of Pittsburgh
摘要:This article presents a study that aims to identify and analyze dialogic functions of repair by lexical synonymy in the process of writing and rewriting of an opinion article. The data were collected in the Research Laboratory entitled 'Workshop of Reading, Writing and Rewriting of Opinion Articles', an activity of the Research Group UTFPR-CNPq LAD'Humano, in 2015. The opinion articles were written by first term undergraduate students of the Letters Teacher Certification Program in Portuguese-English of the Federal University of Technology of Paraná, Brazil, Pato Branco Campus. The writing of the texts was recorded by the software AutoScreen Recorder and Inputlog. The analyses are mainly based on Bakhtin, Volosinov, and Vygotsky and show that repair by lexical synonymy has the dialogic functions of addressing the target audience of the text, of textual adjustment, of giving the desired content to discourse and of acting in the process of construction of the writer's image. As "the meaning of the word is completely determined by its context" (BAKHTIN/VOLOCHÍNOV, 2014, p.109), it is the verbal and extraverbal context of a certain word choice that will contribute or not to building the meaning intended by the writer, and that is why synonymy study in the process of writing is important.