摘要:Abstract This study presents the optimum design parameters of the rectangular channel with V down perforated baffle turbulators using a Taguchi experimental design method. The experimental investigation for the established rectangular channel involves V down perforated baffles attached to the one of the broad wall of the channel having various roughness parameters. The effects of the four design parameters such as Reynolds number, open area ratio, relative roughness height and relative roughness pitch are investigated. In the Taguchi experimental design method, Nusselt number and friction are considered as performance parameter. An {L16} (44) orthogonal array is chosen as an experimental plan for the design parameters. The analysis of Taguchi method conducted with the goal of optimization process for minimum friction factor (minimum pressure drop) and maximum Nusselt number (maximum heat transfer) for the designed V down perforated baffle roughened rectangular channel. The optimum configurations of control factors for Nusselt number and friction factor are {A2B2C1D4} and A4B1C4D3, respectively. Experimental results validated the suitability of the proposed approach.