出版社:Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar/Sorocaba
摘要:The results of pedagogical experiment on forming socio-communicative competence to the future officers of the State Criminal and Executive Service in the process of their professional training are highlighted in the article. During the pedagogical experiment the essence of such humanities as: «Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes», «Penitentiary Pedagogics», «Penitentiary Psychology», «Professional Ethics», «Rhetoric», «Foreign Language» was supplemented/structured in order to form this professionally important property taking into account the peculiarities of professional activity and socio-communicative interaction in the penitentiary service. The results of theoretical analysis of the problem of forming socio-communicative competence to the future officers of the State Criminal and Executive Service in the process of their professional training and the data of experimental work on forming this professionally important property allowed to substantiate certain methodological recommendations.