摘要:AbstractNew gridded climate datasets (GCDs) on spatially resolved modeled weather data have recently been released to explore the impacts of climate change. GCDs have been suggested as potential alternatives to weather station data in epidemiological assessments on health impacts of temperature and climate change. These can be particularly useful for assessment in regions that have remained understudied due to limited or low quality weather station data. However to date, no study has critically evaluated the application of GCDs of variable spatial resolution in temperature‐mortality assessments across regions of different orography, climate, and size. Here we explored the performance of population‐weighted daily mean temperature data from the global ERA5 reanalysis dataset in the 10 regions in the United Kingdom and the 26 cantons in Switzerland, combined with two local high‐resolution GCDs (HadUK‐grid UKPOC‐9 and MeteoSwiss‐grid‐product, respectively) and compared these to weather station data and unweighted homologous series. We applied quasi‐Poisson time series regression with distributed lag nonlinear models to obtain the GCD‐ and region‐specific temperature‐mortality associations and calculated the corresponding cold‐ and heat‐related excess mortality. Although the five exposure datasets yielded different average area‐level temperature estimates, these deviations did not result in substantial variations in the temperature‐mortality association or impacts. Moreover, local population‐weighted GCDs showed better overall performance, suggesting that they could be excellent alternatives to help advance knowledge on climate change impacts in remote regions with large climate and population distribution variability, which has remained largely unexplored in present literature due to the lack of reliable exposure data.Plain Language SummaryThus far, most studies attempting to study the impact of heat and cold on health have used data from weather stations around cities as a proxy for the temperature exposure of a population. Recently, new spatially resolved weather datasets have been released, which provide continuous temperature measurements at local or global scale, and can be particularly useful for supplying data in regions with limited or low quality weather station data. In this study, we aimed to explore the performance of these newly developed exposure datasets compared to weather stations in the United Kingdom and Switzerland, two regions which are heterogeneous in terms of topography and population distribution. We found that despite different temperature observations the datasets yield very similar results. In particular, high‐resolution population‐weighted temperature datasets showed better performance and thus it can be a good alternative to weather stations, especially in densely populated urban areas with large intracity temperature variability.Key PointsNew products on spatially resolved weather datasets have become available but little is known on their suitability in health studiesHere, different exposure datasets yielded similar patterns in temperature‐mortality impacts across heterogeneous areasGlobally available modeled weather data could help advance knowledge on health impacts in areas with limited weather station data