摘要:The study is aimed to determine the essence, directions and methods of measuring the level of inclusive development of the national economy and society, which may form the basis of the toolkit for regulating regional development for government bodies of Kazakhstan. As a methodological approach to measuring the possibility of inclusive development of regions of the country, it is proposed to abandon the one-dimensional measurement of economic growth using a gross domestic product (GDP) and use the method of multidimensional assessment, including indicators of the development of the economy, society, infrastructure and innovation. The results of the analysis of the levels of socio-economic, infrastructural and innovative development of Kazakhstan are presented, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the continuing inequality of its regions. Various points of view on the theory of inclusive development are considered and it is concluded that inclusive development involves overcoming inequality of countries, regions, incomes and living standards of certain segments of the population in different regions of one country. As a result of the study, it was recommended to use the author’s methodological approach as a toolkit for public authorities when developing regional programs and making managerial decisions on the development of regions of the country.