摘要:The use of energy in developing countries is marked by the government’s involvement in realizing the transfer of energy use from conventional to renewable. This involvement is in line with the sustainable development Goals program, which emphasizes the need for action in using environmentally friendly and sustainable energy in the implementation of development. The correct option in realizing the dominance of renewable energy is through investment and cooperation with partners from abroad who have experience and knowledge in the use of renewable energy. Independent investment and cooperation can be realized with paradiplomacy practices carried out by local governments. The research and dissemination of ideas in this article aim to discuss the dynamics of renewable energy investment in paradiplomacy practices. Research with the theme of paradiplomacy uses qualitative research through in-depth and relevant case studies. The technique of determining informants was carried out by purposive sampling through key persons, by determining which groups of participants became informants according to the selected criteria relevant to the research problem. Observation, interview, and documentation are data and information collection techniques in this study. The support of the central government and local governments is manifested in the availability of regulations, permits that are not complicated, and relevant promotions that support the realization of the use of renewable energy and transfer technology.