摘要:The article analyzes the dynamics of channel processes in the irrigation pumping station inlet channels. The field studies of hydraulic and alluvial sediment regimes in the supply channels of pumping stations are analyzed and summarized. The studies of supply channel water flow under conditions of extremely high turbidity of the flow and variability of the morphometric characteristics of the channel are presented. The conditions under which the Saint-Venant equations satisfactorily describe the channel flows in the bed of the supply channels are given. Saint-Venant's twodimensional equations were numerically implemented using an explicit finite-difference scheme. In addition, the results of calculations of the flow field in the supply channels are presented. According to the results of numerical studies, the width of the sedimentation tank was taken to be equal to the design width of the channel, and the speed of water flow in it was 0.25 m/s. The length of the sedimentation tank, ensuring the retention of sediments of the finest fraction (0.05 mm in diameter), was 1042 m. The siltation time of the sedimentation tank can be reduced by 15…20% and amount to about 15 months, considering the unevenness of the velocity distribution diagram in the horizontal plane and the trapezoidal crosssection of the clarifier. Nevertheless, the arrangement of two parallel chambers of the sedimentation tanks makes it possible to be stable for a sufficiently long time.