摘要:The modern educational system has a peculiarity: acting as a user, it simultaneously stimulates the development of information and digital technologies. This characteristic is especially come out in the higher education system. At the same time, despite the objective and subjective attractiveness of modern information and digital technologies, it is necessary to realize that their adaptation is, although effective, but still an auxiliary tool in the organization and implementation of the educational process. The introduction of information technologies into the educational process makes it possible to significantly enrich the process of transferring knowledge from teacher to student, to facilitate understanding of complex topics, to level the repetitive monotony in the classroom, to increase the motivation of educational activities, to intensify the activities of students in the classroom, to form a conscious attitude to the educational process, etc. At the same time, the use of information and digital technologies should be justified, logically expedient, designed to complement (and not replace) the teacher's activities in the classroom.