摘要:Recently, it has been customary in Russian society to talk about the crisis of all levels of education. Undoubtedly, one can argue for a long time about the crisis in such spheres of public life as the economy and politics, but perhaps the only comprehensive problem that affects the entire society as a whole is the crisis of education, which arose due to quite understandable reasons.The development of any society, the its transformation and individual spheres of society inevitably make it necessary to form new social values, guidelines, incentives and motivations to achieve new outlined or already clearly formulated goals. Inextricably linked with this process, the formation of worldview attitudes has developed since childhood, and especially in adolescence, at that period of time when the first attempts are made to make independent decisions, to bear responsibility for them, to encounter restrictions and prohibitions. During this period, when goal-setting is formed in the mind of a young person, attitudes and priorities are formed, not just an important, but sometimes a decisive role begins to play the ability to critically analyze incoming information, which will form the basis of these processes.