摘要:The purpose of the study is to provide theoretical and methodological justification for the directions of rural economy diversification in the context of modern civilizational transformations and new trends in economic development. Civilizational transformations are based on qualitative transformations affecting all levels of the world economic system, accompanied by a change in the technological structure, social and political organization. The new model of rural development should be based on a diversified economic base based on the principles of inclusive growth. In this regard, the state policy should be aimed at ensuring equal access of all segments of the rural population to production and financial resources, ser-vices, technologies and markets, and support for entrepreneurial initiatives, small and medium-sized businesses in rural areas. The priorities for the diversification of the rural economy in the context of modern civilizational transformations are to overcome single-industry specialization, to move to the versatile development of the economic basis of rural areas, to mobilize the local population and involve it in the economy on the basis of preserving and improving endogenous resources. The diversification of the rural economy is a global trend and is primarily driven by the desire to increase employment and sources of income of the rural population, and to over-come rural poverty.