摘要:Thermal oil recovery is a special technique belonging to Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods and includes steam flooding, cyclic steam stimulation, and in-situ combustion (fire flooding) applied especially in the heavy oil reservoirs. Starting 1970 in-situ combustion (ISC) process has been successfully applied continuously in the Suplacu de Barcau oil field, currently this one representing the most important reservoir operated by ISC in the world. Suplacu de Barcau field is a shallow clastic Pliocene, heavy oil reservoir, located in the North-Western Romania and geologically belonging to Eastern Pannonian Basin. The ISC process are operated using a linear combustion front propagated downstructure. The maximum oil production was recorded in 1985 when the total air injection rate has reached maximum values. Cyclic steam stimulation has been continuously applied as support for the ISC process and it had a significant contribution in the oil production rates. Nowadays the oil recovery factor it’s over 55 percent but significant potential has left. In the paper are presented the important moments in the life-time production of the oil field, such as production history, monitoring of the combustion process, technical challenges and their solving solutions, and scientific achievements revealed by many studies performed on the impact of the ISC process in the oil reservoir.