摘要:Saving energy consumed in buildings has become an important factor in design. Thus, the aim of this research is to assess the thermal and structural performance of different types of concrete slabs using real simulation for heat transferred from solar radiation, and from difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures in the existence of dead and imposed loads. Three types of slabs were examined: normal, voided and foamed concrete. Moreover, the effect of slab end conditions was investigated. Thermal analysis was performed for each slab type considering summer and winter weather of Egypt. In this analysis, the heat transferred through each slab was calculated, and hence the ability of each type to maintain the indoor temperature could be determined. The non-uniform distribution of temperature along the thickness of each slab type was used through structural analysis to examine the performance of the considered slabs under the effect of thermal actions and static loads. Both voided and foamed concrete slabs maintained successfully the indoor temperature from being affected by the climatic conditions; whereas, the best from a structural point of view was in favor of voided slabs as clarified through this research.