摘要:The PM 10 contributed in the e-waste dismantling community at Banmaichaiyaphot District, Buriram Province, was investigated due to the e-waste dismantling houses randomly located neighboring non-e-waste dismantling houses. The sampling was performed at non- and e-wastes dismantling houses and compared with the reference house in Daengyai subdistrict. The 24-hour average outdoor PM 10 concentrations (81.957 ± 18.724 μg/m 3 ) at e-waste dismantling sites were higher than those of the non-e-waste dismantling houses (80.943 ± 32.740 μg/m 3 ) and control house (36.717 ± 19.516 μg/m 3 ). The 24-hour average indoors PM 10 concentrations of the e-waste dismantling houses (116.171 ± 64.635 μg/m 3 ) showed higher concentrations than those of the non-e-waste dismantling (113.637 ± 64.641 μg/m 3 ) and reference house (70.907 ± 22.464 μg/m 3 ), but there were no statistically significant differences ( P .05). Both indoor and outdoor PM 10 concentrations between non- and e-waste dismantling houses did not have significant differences, whereas those of non- and e-waste dismantling houses were significantly higher than that of the reference house locating approximately 5 km away. The positive correlation between indoor and outdoor concentrations of non- and e-waste dismantling houses was satisfactory significant with the r of .613 and .825, respectively. The results indicate that the existing indoor PM 10 of either non- or e-waste dismantling houses could result from neighborhood e-waste dismantling.