标题:The Spatial Design Marketing Strategy of Global Franchises That Take into Consideration the Characteristics of Modern Consumers—A Study Involving the Global Coffee Companies of Starbucks and Blue Bottle
摘要:Coffee shops are evolving into spaces that offer diverse experiences for consumers, with coffee acting as a medium. They are simple venues where people can drink coffee and enjoy and share their cultures with each other; moreover, coffee shops capture the consumers’ complex individuality and values. Considering this trend, it is worth looking at the coffee shop in connection with spatial design marketing, as a place that has endless potential to effectively express the needs of modern consumers through spatial identity and story. Accordingly, this study is focused on global coffee franchises because a single brand can control factors other than spatial design, such as coffee price, quality, brand identity, and service. This study looks at global coffee franchises from the spatial design marketing perspective, to examine the value and importance of a space as not only one of the elements of spatial design, but also as a marketing agent. To this end, spatial design marketing will be presented for Starbucks and Blue Bottle, which are the front-runners of the global coffee franchise sector. This study also explores the meaning of directional space, within the global coffee franchises, a meaning that will be transformative in the future. This study is significant in that it derived three spatial marketing characteristics and six strategies that can enhance the spatial value of coffee shops and the experiential value of consumers. This was accomplished through an approach focused on Starbucks and Blue Bottle, the most representative global coffee franchises. Moreover, the presented spatial design marketing strategies are not only applicable to coffee franchises but also to various commercial spatial design fields, and are expected to be used as a business methodology that can satisfy the needs of modern consumers and increase the unique value of their brand.