摘要:Job satisfaction has become an empirical attention as subject of inquiry in many fields. Past studies have revealed that employees with higher level of job satisfaction mostly enjoyed their job, had higher productivity and eventually contributed to generate profit for their organization. Despite its popularity, there is still lacking in determining what exactly drives employee satisfaction from the perspective of situational and dispositional factors. Moreover, the role of mediator in is also rather limited. The present paper proposes a conceptual model from the perspective of situational factors (role overload and role conflict) and dispositional factor (core self-evaluations) to understand the concept of job satisfaction. Specifically, it is suggested that when an employee experiences either role overload, role conflict or perceive with negative core self-evaluation, one of the consequence was increased level of work-family conflict. Ultimately, individuals who perceive higher level work-family conflict will experience less job satisfaction. Recommendations for future research are also discussed.