摘要:Some certain types of seaweed, such as Euchema, Cottoni, Gracelaria, are also cultivated by people who live at coastal areas in Java. They make seaweed as a processed food like candies and solid porridge (dodol) because seaweed contains many nutrient substances, such as water (27,8%), protein (5,4%), carbohydrate (33,3%), fat (8,6%), coarse fiber (3%) and ashes (22,25%). Government should convince or guarantee with legal certainties, that people who consume goods and services, especially food products are safe, so that the existing of Rules as well as the regulations and other law for products set up and launched by the government, for giving protection to the people who use or consume the goods and products, will possibly bring a sense of security and improve welfare. The question is how is the legal protection for consumers on unlabelled processed food from seaweed? The Approach method used is empirical-juridical method which is used to solve problems by conducting research on primary data in the field. Juridical itself is a kind of research method referring to the law, the currently in force laws and regulations, and the theory of law.The regulations used in this research are Regulation No 8 / 1999 concerning Customers’ protection that is Regulation No.18 / 2012 concerning food.