期刊名称:Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment
出版社:University faculty of agronomic Sciences of Gembloux Passage of the Deportees
摘要:Response of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) to mineral fertilization in various agro-ecological zones: a quantitative review Description of the subject. The response of cotton to mineral fertilization was assessed through a quantitative review. Objectives. The objectives were (i) to synthesize available data on the response of cotton to fertilization practices, (ii) to model yield following applied fertilizer levels and (iii) to identify environmental factors that influence the response of cotton to fertilization practices. Method. A quantitative analysis of 71 scientific publications (930 treatments including controls) was carried out, in order to collect seed cotton and fiber yield data through a literature search in online scientific libraries on cotton fertilization practices, following well-defined criteria. A linear mixed-effect model was fitted with R.3.6.1 software to compare the response of cotton to various mineral fertilizer doses. Results. In 95% of cases, this study showed a positive response of cotton to mineral fertilization. The applied doses of nutrients significantly affected the response of cotton and the gain of nitrogen agronomic efficiency (AE-N, p 0.05). However, the type of soil and rainfall did not significantly influence the response of cotton, but rather the AE-N. The combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium showed the best response ratios and agronomic efficiency of nitrogen compared to the exclusive application of nitrogen or its combination with phosphorus or potassium. Conclusions. This study suggests the combined application of major nutrients (N, P, K) at moderate rates to improve nutrient use efficiency in cotton crop production. Soil and climatic conditions did not significantly affect the cotton seed yield response, but significantly influenced the AE-N.
关键词:Engrais minéraux;coton graine;ratio de réponse;efficience agronomique des nutriments.