摘要:The aim of this non-experimental, descriptive-correlational study was to determine the relation between patterns of pathological personality and criminal behavior among 127 male participants aged between 20 and 59 and incarcerated in a Colombian correctional facility by applying the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (mcmi-iii) in its Spanish version and reviwing the typology of the criminal conduct stipulated in the Colombian Criminal Code.The results from the eta correlation coefficient indicated a significant correlation between the compulsive (.67), self-destructive (.66), and avoidant (.64) pathological patterns with criminal behavior.Additionally, it was determined that 44.6% fell under more than two scales; narcissistic and compulsive clinical patterns, severe pathology of paranoid personality, bipolar clinical syndrome, and severe clinical syndrome of delusional disorder were identified as the most prevalent and their relation was discussed according to the type of crime.
关键词:trastornos de la personalidad;Psicología Criminal;Prisiones.