摘要:Palm oil cultivation since the 1990s has reformed the soil and water properties to comply with cultivation to serve as an important commodity in Malaysia,which contributes significantly to the growth of the economy.Hence,the purpose of this study is to identify the status of peat soil fertility and its characteristics and to measure the water parameters and quality level at selected sampling sites at the district of Mukah,Sarawak.A total of twelve sampling sites were selected based on its suitability to gain the information needed.The highest soil pH value was (4.2 - SI) The maximum soil humidity is (90.1%-S2),and most of the soil texture is silt loam.The highest nutrient concentration in soil fertility is K (43.48 ppm - S8).The peat soil was infused with fertilizers to enhance the fertility rate of peat soil for the better growth of palm oil to make it more fertile and maximizing the yields.The presence of these heavy metal's elements is shown to be in the right amount of concentration that can comply with a considerate water quality that can avoid pollution and damage to the crops.In short,palm oil cultivation can make peat bogs become one of the functional soils,which can bring great benefits to building better agricultural development in the country.