摘要:The phenomenon of using plants for therapeu-tic purposes dates back to the earlier times in the his-tory of humanity.Even though there have been re-markable developments in the modern medicine,pharmaceutical,and chemical industries,the thera-peutic use of medicinal plants is still up to date.Due to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains andthe proliferation of side effects in synthetic drugs, the importance of research on the antimicrobial po-tential and biochemical composition of plant ex tractshas increased.The main purpose of this presentstudy is to screen both the antibacterial and antifun-gal activity of endemic Helichrysum arenarium ssp.aucheri ethanol extract by disk diffusion on someGram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and Can-dida albicans,and to identify the major compoundsfound in the ethanol extract by GC/MS.Accordingto the results obtained from the study,it can be pro-posed that the extract showed antibacterial and anti-fungal activity for all microorganisms excluding Sal-monella typhimurium SL1344,Salmonella infantis, E.coli ( food isolate),Escherichia coli.ATCC25922and Enterobacter aerogenes,ATCC 13048,and some chemical compounds were detected,whichmay be responsible for the antimicrobial activity.
关键词:Helichrys um arenarium sspanucheri;ethanol extract;GC/MS;biochemical composition;disk diffusion method;antimicrobial activity.