摘要:We studied the effects of different traffic flow on the chlorophyll content of Ficus concinna Miq.,Cinnamomum japonicum Sieb.,Alternanthera Ses-silis (Linn.) DC.,and Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers.,analyzed the effects of different light intensities on the chlorophyll content of Ficus microcarpa Linn.f.and Camellia-Oilfera Abel,and discussed changes of leaf water content in different periods of the day.Cinnamomum japonicum Sieb.and Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers.was useful in indicating traffic flow change or automobile exhaust pollution in the study area.Ficus microcarpa Linn.f.and Camellia-Oilfera Abel were not suited as indicator plants of light-intensity change.There was no significant relationship between leaf water content and chlorophyll content.
关键词:Chlorophyll;Growth influencing factors of pavement plants;Traffic pollution;Indicative function