摘要:Basing on the experimental study of fuel consumbtion in World-wide Harmonized Light-duty Test Cycle (WLTC ), this paper conducted the effects of using different immersion temperature on the fuel consumption of a light-duty gasoline vehicle. The study mainly studied the first phase of WLTC with three gaseous pollutant emissions: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbon(CO2, CO and HC )which is measured to caculate the fuel consumption of Light-duty Gasoline Vehicles. It appears that with the increase of time the working condition of the vehicle tends to be stable resulting in the similar emission of the gaseous pollutant in the different test. Which means the immersion temperature mainly effects gaseous pollutant emissions in low-speed phase in WLTC. Besides, the cold start of engine had generated a large quantity of carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbon, but it is different for the carbon dioxide which was generated continuously in the first whole phase. The study also found that the use of a higher immersion temperatures (26℃) is more favorable than a lower immersion temperatures (23℃) in the typy of testing vehicle’s fuel consumption in the WLTC test cycle.
关键词:immersion temperatures;fuel consumption;light-duty gasoline vhicles;world-wide harmonized light-duty test cycle