摘要:The purpose of the study is to analyse the readiness of the education system to educate employees and train the personnel reserve in the system of non-formal environmental education and awareness. Mission: To develop a new integrated policy of environmental education for sustainable development at the federal level in the Russian Federation. Objectives: to evaluate the possibility and necessity of introducing transversal educational courses for Master students and teachers of additional education on the themes of the environmental cluster of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG); to substantiate comparability of separate modules, practical works and course as a whole for preparing students in general education for implementing education for sustainable development; to integrate SDG-related topics into existing directions of environmental education and additional education in general education; to promote efficient training of staff reserve in the system of informal education for sustainable development. The main research methods: the end-to-end system modelling of adult education, continuous learning, and professional development systems using ASSURE design algorithm for economic and qualitative assessment of learning outcomes. A novel methodology for the adaptation of corporate training for the system of additional environmental education at the state level was developed and proposed for the first time.