摘要:There are most of the energy`s costs are accounted for by heating and hot water supply in communal housing conditions. Every day there is a growing need for the development and development of alternative options for energy generation technology. In the field of alternative energy, the most popular solution is a heat supply system based on air heat pumps (HP). Construction and installation work is simplified for integrated heat pump systems, but the question of the organization of design for these devices remains not fully resolved. The purpose of the work is to study the features and patterns of design and construction works with heat pump systems built into the premises in the field of low-rise construction and to develop measures to reduce the time and cost of such works. Heat engineering calculations for integrated heat pump systems that take into account climatic features, architectural and construction elements and parameters of engineering networks of the construction object, increase the complexity, cost and duration of design work. The research methods used are the analysis of the entire design process and in particular the section “heating and ventilation”, further modeling through network planning of the design process and comparison of the obtained data. The results of the study are calendar schedules of the design process of integrated heat pump systems on the example of a cottage structure with an area of 150 m2. For further analysis, the parameters of the time reserves of the working processes of the obtained network graphs are calculated. The section of heating, ventilation and heat supply (S) for integrated heat pump systems of heat supply is compared with the classical one, where the heat generator is an electric boiler. As a result of the study, a scheme for organizing design work is proposed, which allows you to plan the design of the section S without affecting the overall terms of execution of project documentation and the growth of its cost.