摘要:Against the background of man-made impact on the environment, the role of landscape architecture increases. Green plantings reduce the impact of adverse factors. A special role is given to coniferous plants that perform environmental-improving functions all year round. The collection of the VNIISPK arboretum includes more than 310 species, forms and varieties of woody plants representing 31 families. The most numerous family of Pinaceae includes 5 genera, one of which is the genus Abies Mill. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive assessment of ecological and biological features of the genus Abies of different origin to justify the success of the introduction in conditions of the Central Chernozem region of Russia. All the studied species have high winter hardiness in the conditions of the central part of Russia.A. balsamea, A. concolor, A. fraseri, A. lasiocarpa, and A. sibirica were resistant to infectious diseases. A. alba, A. concolor, A. fraseri, A. nephrolepis, A. sachalinensis and A. veitchii showed resistance to pests. According to the results of comprehensive assessment of the ecological and biological features of 9 introduced species of the genus Abies, three highly decorative genotypes of North American origin, resistant to a complex of adverse environmental factors, were identified: A. balsamea, A. concolor, and A. fraseri.