摘要:This article presents approaches to estimate orderliness of transport service of large city by means of city passenger public transport (CPPT). An article considers entropic analysis method as main analytical instrument of orderliness of transportation process. Author presents cause-and-effect chain of formation of results of transportation process by CPPT and process of informational transformation during transportation. An article gives an example of calculation of relative entropy of transportation process by CPPT in Tyumen during March-September 2020. Additional attention was paid to changes of orderliness of transport service during the acute phase of pandemic COVID-19 (April-June 2020). It was established that relative entropy of transportation process decreased during acute phase of pandemic COVID-19 in comparison to periods of sustainable functioning of CPPT system. Respectively orderliness of transportation process increased at the same time. This fact can be explained by structural changes of volume of transported passengers (total volume of traffic – volume of transportation of preferential passengers – volume of transportation of senior citizens). By the results of research author made conclusions and gave recommendations on possible increasing of orderliness of CPPT transportation process.