期刊名称:International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development
出版社:Islamic Azad University
摘要:Rural innovative producing organizations can increasefarmers' incomes and improve food security by providingservices to farmers. The specific of this paperwere to identify the economic, social-cultural, infrastructural,political, educational, and technical requirements forinnovations in rural institutions to improve food securityof farmers in Mazandaran Province, Iran. The total populationof this study was 113,141 farmers in Mazandaran Provinceand by using Cochran formula 216 were selected throughcluster random sampling method. The Delphi method wasused for qualitative part of analysis, which was done in athree-phase distribution of questionnaires and interviewswith rice experts. For each of the requirements, items ofinterest were added and removed, and a table of itemsincluding the most points (to a maximum of 70%) wasextracted. A Bayesian analysis was used for by usingAMOS16and SPSS16 software. Based on the results ofBayesian analysis the economic requirements had thegreatest impact on establishing innovative rural institutionsto improve food security of rice growers. It was also foundout that socio-cultural, political, infrastructural, educational,and technical requirements, respectively could play animportant role in helping rural institutions to enhancefood security in rural areas.