摘要:For a water cooled reactor, the key thermal-hydraulic parameters span a wide range corresponding to different CHF regimes. Under accident conditions, due to the flow regime transition and interchannel mixing effect, the corresponding CHF can transition from the DO to DNB regime. In order to continuously and accurately predict DNB and DO regime CHF under wide parameter range for rod bundle channel, a comprehensive CHF mechanistic model covering the DNB and DO regime CHF prediction is established based on the rod bundle CHF-regime criterion. The DNB regime CHF mechanistic model of superheated liquid layer depletion under turbulence fluctuation bubbles and the mature DO regime CHF mechanistic model are combined to form the comprehensive CHF model. Furthermore, the comprehensive CHF model is assessed by 5 × 5 rod bundle CHF experimental data independently obtained by the Nuclear Power Institute of China (NPIC). The statistical evaluation and parametric trend analysis show that the maximum mean error of P/M is within ±22%, and the local pressure, mass flux, and quality do not have any effects on the average deviations of the predicted flux P from the measured flux M. This indicates that the comprehensive CHF mechanistic model can accurately and continuously predict the DNB and DO regime CHF in the rod bundle channel.