期刊名称:Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
出版社:Çukurova University
摘要:In this study, it is aimed both to develop the “Organizational Communication Climate Scale” and to examine how the perceptions of organizational communication climate of participants change according to the variables of gender, marital status, seniority, and institution in which they work, in order to test the functionality of the scale by making use of the relevant research. This study was carried out as survey research in Isparta province, with volunteers from the departments of the Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Health, University, Social Security Institution and the Private Sector employees. 30-item scale, with acceptable and excellent levels of fit indexes, was created. The Cronbach Alpha value of the scale consisting of 30 items and two dimensions was found .967. In order to test the feasibility of the scale, T-test and ANOVA were applied with the current data set. According to the T-test results, it was concluded that the perceptions of the participants did not differ significantly according to the gender and the marital status variables. According to ANOVA results it has been determined that employees with seniority between 1-5 years have more positive organizational communication perceptions than those who have seniority between 6-10 years and 26 years or more. Also, it was found that employees in Private Sector have more positive organizational communication climate perceptions than employees at University and in Social Security Institution. Another result was that employees in Ministry of National Education have more positive organizational communication climate perceptions than all the participants.
关键词:Örgütsel iletişim iklimi; Örgütsel iletişim iklimi ölçeği; Örgüt iklimi