摘要:The modern sociocultural situation causes the need to use distance learning technologies even at the level of preschool education, as well as the increased use of information technologies as a means of working with preschool students. The goal of the present article resides not in the analysis of the positive and negative aspects of information technologies in preschool education but the search for and the substantiation of the mechanism of their effective implementation. One of the most effective mechanisms is presented by the technique of original children’s animation. The potential effectiveness of the indicated process is examined in the context of the development of children’s visual thinking. Thus, the article presents the authors’ attempt to substantiate the development of the method of original children’s animation determining the development of children’s visual thinking accounting for the requirements of modern information society and to propose specific recommendations for the software of a children’s animation studio. The set goal is achieved using the methods of content analysis, the methods of comparative analysis of scientific and methodological materials and system analysis, the method of mathematical and statistical data processing, expert assessment, and generalization of study results. Based on the study results, an educational module “I CREATE THE WORLD Animation Studio” is developed and introduced into the practice of preschool pedagogics as a potentially effective instrument for the development of visual thinking and recommendations for the software of a children’s animation studio in a kindergarten are proposed.
关键词:information technologies in education;visual thinking;originalanimation;preschool age