摘要:Foreign language is a mandatory subject at all stages of higher education - from bachelors to doctoral studies. Knowledge of a foreign language at the present stage of development of science and technology is a very important skill for expanding the exchange of scientific ideas. It is impossible to conduct research in a single country without using world experience. Even with advanced technologies that no one else owns, scientists are forced to study the world’s experience in different fields of activity in order to develop them. Any sphere of human activity involves various developments, so all Sciences are interconnected. Training of young scientists in various fields of science is also based on communication. Without a language, both native and foreign, it is impossible to communicate and understand the subject of study. Reading scientific articles in a foreign language requires knowledge of language grammar and terminology, but as for scientists, this terminology should be narrowly focused. There can be no ambiguity or different interpretations. On the other hand, if we take English words as an example, most of them are polysemantic. Accordingly, it is necessary to operate with the meaning that is applicable in a specific area of use of the term.