期刊名称:Facta universitatis - series: Electronics and Energetics
出版社:University of Niš
摘要:This paper is deals in part of research that has been conducted on modernmeans in the basis of power electronics. Harmonic cancellation of distribution networkis currently a serious problem, especially in high electrical industry. The main sourceof harmonic currents injected into the network requires attention to reduce the currentharmonic levels. Energy quality is a fairly broad concept which covers both, the qualityof power supply (voltage wave) and these of the currents injected into the electricalgrid. In this context, a modern approved preventive solution in purpose to limit the rateof harmonic disturbance caused by the deferent power electronics systems connected tothe grid must take action. It appears necessary to develop the quality and stability ofthe grid and develop curative devices such as converters provided with a control devicemaking the current drawn on the most sinusoidal network possible. This paperproposes a control of tow stage grid tied PV system established on finite set modelpredictive control (FS-MPC). The design of FS-MPC is developed depending on thestructure and operating principle associated to three-phase inverter tied to the grid. Inthis context, we have also employed the structure of MPPT controller (P&O) and PIcontroller for adjustment of the DC-bus voltage. To set the proposed control scheme,numerical simulations are carried out using Matlab/Simulink 2013b. The obtainedresults demonstrate that the proposed control scheme assure the tracking of MPP andthe injection of extracted PV power into the grid with high current quality underirradiation changes.
关键词:hotovoltaic system; Two-level inverter; Finite Set Model Predictive Control FS-MPC; THD; Grid-connected