摘要:AbstractCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) is spreading worldwide. All aspects of pregnancy management from conception to delivery to puerperium as risks facing newborns are herein, reviewed. Maternal home management and prenatal care management protection, delivery timing or mode selection, delivery process management, and subsequent puerperal protection are crucial. In this Review, the features and treatment strategies, especially emphasizing the safety of antiviral drugs for pregnant women, the wearing of face masks, and practicing of personal hygiene (e.g., handwashing, disinfection, home cleaning, and ventilation) are reviewed as essential protective measures. It is recommended to provide online consultation, telemedicine, and remote fetal heart rate monitoring and set the flow point for prenatal examination to encourage prenatal examination at home or postponing examinations (except nuchal translucency at 11‐13+6 weeks, Oscar Test at 16 weeks, and fetal ultrasound at 20–24 weeks). It is shown that the precise formulation of follow‐up strategies for pregnant women with COVID‐19 is necessary.The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019‐nCoV) spread throughout the world rapidly. All aspects of pregnancy management from conception to delivery to puerperium, and including risks for newborns are reviewed in the paper.