摘要:AbstractThis paper presents a robust controller design method for reference tracking in multi-input multi-output preview systems. In the context of preview systems, it is supposed that future values of the reference signal are available a number of time steps ahead. The objective of the controller being to minimize a quadratic error between the reference and the system’s output, the optimal solution needs to take into account the known future values of the reference. Furthermore, it is desired to maintain the control signal at an acceptable level. The feedforward preview is obtained by solving a mixedL2/L∞optimisation, where theL∞constraint is used to reduce the level of the control. The proposed solution combines a robust feedback controller with a feedforward preview filter. The feedback controller’s purpose is to assure robustness of the closed-loop system to model uncertainties and is not detailed here. The focus of this paper is on the design of the feedforward preview filter taking into account that a feedback controller is present. The proposed solution is validated in simulation on a high dynamic engine testbed.
关键词:Keywordsrobust controldiscrete-time systemsgeneralized predictive controlfeedforward anticipative filterpreview systems