摘要:AbstractThe Hankel-typeLq/Lpinduced norms across a single switching over two linear time-invariant (LTI) positive systems are discussed. The norms are defined as the induced norms from vector-valued Lp-past inputs to vector valued Lq-future outputs across a switching at the time instant zero. The Hankel-typeL2/L2induced norm across a single switching for general LTI systems is studied in details to evaluate the performance deterioration caused by switching. Thanks to the strong positivity property, we successfully characterize the Hankel-typeLq/Lpinduced norms for the positive system switching even forp, qbeing 1, 2, ∞. In particular, we will show that some of them are given in the form of linear program and semidefinite program (SDP). The SDP-based characterizations are useful for the analysis of the Hankel-typeLq/Lpinduced norms where the systems of interest are affected by parametric uncertainties.
关键词:Keywordspositive system switchingHankel-typeLq/Lpinduced normlinear programmingsemidefinite programming