摘要:ABSTRACTLandslide catastrophe happen on 30 July 2014 has buried almost 140 peoples under a loose soil mass in Malingaon village of Pune district, Maharashtra, India. Soil samples from a hill slope sections were collected (viz. bottom, middle, and top) for determination of the soil properties and slope stability. Mainly excess rainfall triggered the land slide, which directly affected on geotechnical properties of soil. The results showed that the hill slope was unstable with factor of safety less than one and which is prone to failure. The land use and land cover map (viz. before and after of land slide) analysis have inferred that the hill slope was unstable. The unscientific way of agriculture practices method and conversion of nonagricultural land into agricultural usage was the major cause for land slide in the study area. This study provides a technically viable solution method to avoid such disaster in same topographical features.
关键词:KEYWORDSLandslidestability of slopeArc-GIShilly terrain