标题:The differences of workload, fatigue, emotional intelligence and driving behavior based on age, experience, time on task per trip among Indonesian inter-city bus drivers
期刊名称:IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
出版社:IOP Publishing
摘要:One of the factors affecting road accidents is driving behavior. The driving behavior influences by demographic aspects, fatigue, work condition, and others. To correct a behavior tendency, it is important to enhance the understanding of the influence of the demographic aspect to some factors related to the behavior tendency. This study was intended to measure the effect of age, driving experience, and time on task per trip to the workload (WL), fatigue (F), recovery needs (KP), and emotional intelligent (EI) as factors that influence driving behavior (DD). A set of questions as a research instrument was composed based on various literature. The instrument distributed to inter-city bus drivers from several bus companies. A total of 201 responds to questionnaires were obtained, but only 167 data processed further. The reliability of this instrument is quite good as indicated by the alpha Cronbach of 0.733 and the significant internal consistency result. The Kruskal Wallis test result showed that there were no differences among the above variables based on age groups (<35 y, 35-45 y, and> 45y). However, emotional intelligence differed between driving experience groups (<5 y, 5-10 y,> 10 y) and between time on task per trip (<3 hr, 3-5 hr,> 5 hr). The fatigue level also expressed differently of times on task per trip. Based on the result, it suggested to include emotional intelligence assessment in a corrected tendency behavior. The result also emphasized on time on task as a primary factor in fatigue mitigation to minimize risk accident.