摘要:AbstractStrain improvement has become an important strategy in large scale microbial fermentation processes to increase the production yield of enzymes at minimal cost. Here, ultraviolet (UV) irradiation-induced mutant strain ofBacillus cereus, identified using 16S rRNA molecular gene sequencing was subjected to cellulolytic potential screening before cultivating it for carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase) production under submerged fermentation using a cost-effective plantain stalk–based medium. The enzyme was homogenously purified by a combination of ammonium sulphate precipitation and chromatographic techniques on both DEAE Sephadex A-50 anion-exchange and Sephadex G-100 size-exclusion columns. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to determine the molecular weight. Remarkably, this 56 kDa purified cellulase was most active at 70°C and pH 6.0. The CMCase retained over 60% of initial activity after pre-incubation at 60°C for 3 h and was also very stable in both acidic and mild basic medium (pH 3.0-9.0). Cellulase activity was enhanced by Mn2+, Na+, Mg2+and K+but inhibited by Pb2+, Hg2+and Cu2+at 5 mM. The Kmand Vmaxof the enzyme with carboxymethyl cellulose are respectively, 3.25 mg/mL and 29.76 U/min/mg. The purified cellulase fromB. cereusFOA-2 possesses remarkable properties for suitable application in biotechnological industries.