摘要:The processes involved with mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are many, varied and complex. M&A research and practice needs a toolset that can apprehend that complexity and suggest ways forward. This paper shows the complexity of the constituents of organizations at a strategic level by building on the natural-resource-based view (NRBV) and the resulting competences and capabilities. In M&As, these resources and capabilities are managed through a variety of forms of acquisition integration comprised of sets of integration mechanisms. M&As occur in a range of strategic contexts and consequently many forms of integration are possible. Accordingly, there is a need for a mode of inquiry examining acquisition integration that can encompass a wide variety of forms, is holistic across a range of possible integration mechanisms and can provide insights. A configurational mode of inquiry can accommodate the complexity of the mechanisms, capabilities and resources, including natural resources, which constitute acquisition integration. A configurational approach emphasizes a holistic synthesis of elements and highlights the importance of thinking of M&As in terms of patterns. A configurational approach offers tools for considering M&As such as analyzing the thematic coherence of integration and enables the inclusion of sustainability into the logic of organizations.