摘要:This article discusses the use of social media by different generations in destination marketing from a sustainable tourism perspective. In the light of the global COVID-19 pandemic, intensive marketing efforts and strategies to bring back sustainable tourism will soon become important. Social media (SM) can significantly support the promotion of destinations by guaranteeing an appropriate number and type of tourists. The article examines the frequency of using social media by different generations and the scope of their use in planning a tourist trip. The research was conducted in Poland on a sample of 397 respondents representing the group of Baby Boomers (BB), as well as Generations X, Y, and Z. The results of the research showed that the frequency of using SM decreases with age. The differences between the generations are visible in such behaviours as using SM to check opinions about tourist places, recommending a holiday with positive opinions and comments in SM, as well as resigning from a holiday based on negative opinions and comments.