摘要:Treatment of water has a great influence on the use of water for domestic use both in rural and urban areas. Slow sand filtration involves the use of beds of sand for the filtration of water. The reason for designing slow sand filter for rural water treatment is to make treatment of water easy and qualitative. This research involves the use of three tanks, filter beds, filter media and filtrate tanks. Raw water is filtered by the layers of different sand particles, and conveyed by pipe after filtration to the filter media that has diatomite as the sieving agent which filters the water before been conveyed into the filtrate tank. From test carried out, the result shows that slow sand filter with filter technology is moderately efficient for water treatment. The design of slow sand filter technology applied appropriate technology; hence the ease of filtering raw water as well as improvement in taste and odor of water being treated was achieved. However, chemical and biological contaminants were not considered in this research.