摘要:Objectives: This study aimed to compare the physico-chemical and microbial quality of local milk samples from buffalo (B), cow (C), goat (G) and sheep (S). Methods: Milk samples (B, C, G, S, 1 litre each) were collected in sterile bottles from Rajshahi, the northern part of Bangladesh. The samples were analyzed to compare various physico-chemical parameters including pH, specific gravity, moisture content, total solid content, protein, and fat using common methods. Microbiological analysis was performed in MRS agar to count the number of facultative anaerobic microbs (Lactobacillus) using serial dilution technique. Findings: The pH and specific gravity of B, C, G and S at the time of collection were 6.95±0.03, 6.67±0.01, 6.56±0.03, and 6.63±0.02, and 1.013±0.01, 1.020±0.06, 1.032±0.03, and 1.011±0.02, respectively; moisture contents were 90.23±0.05, 90.43±0.07, 89.44±0.01, and 88.94±0.09% and totalsolid contents were 9.77±0.07, 9.57±0.09, 10.56±0.08, and 11.06±0.10%, respectively. Protein and fat contents of B, C, G and S were 3.23, 5.30, 3.41, and 5.59% and 0.00034±0.03, 0.00043±0.01, 0.00054±0.02, and 0.00018±0.03 g/ml, respectively. Colony (Lactobacillus) count after 48h incubation (CFU/mL) of freshly collected samples from B, C, G, and S were 7.4×109 ±0.14, 4.0×109 ±0.20, 1.8×109 ±0.21, 2.0×109 ±0.13. Conclusions: pH and specific gravity of all the tested samples were similar with no significant differences. Highest moisture content (90%) was found in cow and Buffalo milk and the totalsolid content ofsheep milk was higher than other followed by goat milk. Fat content of goat was highest followed by cow milk, whereas the protein content of sheep and cow milk was higher than buffalo and goat milk. Buffalo milk contains highest number of viable cells (7 billion) followed by cow milk (4 billion) indicating the effectiveness of buffalo milk with respect to parametersstudied.
关键词:Milk; Viable Microorganism; Lactobacillus; Nutrition; Protein and fat contents